The YRBSS, developed in 1990, monitors priority health-risk behaviors that contribute markedly to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth and adults in the United States. The survey questions ask about suicide, drug, alcohol, tobacco use, violence, and other contributing risk factors.
This data initially contained 109 variables. During the data cleaning process, I droped few varibles, label variables, combined some columns to create a new variable, dropped missing variables, and more.R Code
Figure 2 above displace reports of sadness by race. Teenagers responded on whether they have been experiencing sadness or not by replying "experience feelings of sadness" or "does not feel sad." In the figure above, we can see that feelings of sadness were disproportionate among the racial group "other."
Figure 3 above displace reports of plans to attempt suicide by gender. Survey respondents had options "has/ had plans to attempt suicide" or "did not have plant to attempt suicide." The figure above displays that plans to attempt suicide by gender varies by gender, with a higher proportion of girls reporting plans of suicide.
Using the four census regions - west, midwest, south, and northeast - high rates of teen suicide are reported in the western states. States in the west census region are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawai'i, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. These states typically have a lower population of Black people than states in the southern census region who have a large share of Black population, and have a relatively lower rate of teen suicide. These findings indicate the need to conduct further research on environmental patterns among states on the western census region share and how that is related to the high rates of teen suicide. This also calls for intentional campaigns and programs to combat teenage suicide in these states.
Figure 6 above does not tell us a clear relationship between fostercare instabilty and teenage suicide.
Figure 7 above reveals littel correlation between teenager depression rates and teenage sucide rates.
Twitter data may also provide potential insights about general on going converstation about the mental wellbeing of Black youth.woldcould
Figure 8a: Woldcould 1 White youth |
Figure 8b: Woldcould 2 Black Youth |
Figure 8c: Woldcould 3 Asian Youth |
Figure 8d: Woldcould 4 Hispanic Youth |
Figure 8e: Woldcould 5 LGBTQ Youth |